About us


Dr Tamás Hergert

🇭🇺 ThalesNano Inc.

🎓 Resume
Dr. Tamás Hergert studied Chemical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where he obtained his MSc degree with pharma specialization. From 2015 he was a PhD student at the George Olah Doctoral School and stayed for a post-doctoral research in the laboratories of Ferenc Faigl. The main field of his research covered organometallic chemistry, synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and investigation of continuous synthetic processes. Since 2021, Tamás is the Head of Network Scientific Advancement Group and Project Manager at ThalesNano.


🔍 Research Interest
Tamás Hergert’s research interests include flow chemistry for pharmaceutical applications, organometallic chemistry, and N-heterocycles synthesis.

⚙️ Project in CHAIR
#15 Efficient and sustainable synthesis of new chiral ligands for homogeneous catalysis

About us


Dr Tamás Hergert

🇭🇺 ThalesNano Inc.

🎓 Resume
Dr. Tamás Hergert studied Chemical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where he obtained his MSc degree with pharma specialization. From 2015 he was a PhD student at the George Olah Doctoral School and stayed for a post-doctoral research in the laboratories of Ferenc Faigl. The main field of his research covered organometallic chemistry, synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and investigation of continuous synthetic processes.

Since 2021, Tamás is the Head of Network Scientific Advancement Group and Project Manager at ThalesNano.

🔍 Research Interest
Tamás Hergert’s research interests include flow chemistry for pharmaceutical applications, organometallic chemistry, and N-heterocycles synthesis.

⚙️ Project in CHAIR
#15 Efficient and sustainable synthesis of new chiral ligands for homogeneous catalysis