Thesis defence: Dr Janis ZAKIS

On the 26th of April 2024, Janis Zakis, ESR13 from CHAIR and PhD student at Syngenta, successfully defended his thesis, entitled "Cyclometallated Iridium catalysts for ortho-directed C-H borylation". Janis is…


Thesis defence: Dr Marco DI MATTEO

On the 15th of January 2024, Marco Di Matteo, ESR7 from CHAIR and PhD student at the Université Paris Sorbonne, successfully defended his thesis work on the functionalization of limonene.…


CHAIR Workshop in AstraZeneca

In October 2023, we held our first industrial workshop, organised by our colleagues from AstraZeneca, and held on the Gothenburg research site, in Sweden. This was a great opportunity for…


CHAIR meeting and workshop in Warsaw

In September 2023, the CHAIR consortium gathered in the Polish capital city, Warsaw. Daniel Gryko welcomed us within the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. The ESRs arrived…

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Welcome dinner