Early February, the CHAIR consortium gathered in Vienna for a combined annual meeting and workshop organised by Michael Schnürch at TUW.
The first day (07/02) was dedicated to scientific progress amongst the consortium, and each ESR presented a short (15 mins) progress report. A combined workshop and training was planned on the next two days. First, Scientific Writing and Dissemination workshop was carried out by Wiley editors Anne Nijs (Editor in Chief of European Journal of Organic Chemistry) and Mélodie Birepinte (Associate Editor of Angewandte Chemie). Secondly, Maeva Mercier from Janssen presented a lecture on Gender Issues in Science, followed by a discussion. Lastly, the ESRs (and some PIs) received dedicated Outreach training by Chemie On Tour.
Following the Work Hard Play Hard principle, the stay was punctuated with group meals and team building activities, namely Laser Game and an initiation to Bouldering.